Monday, December 15, 2008

18 Month Check-Up

On Friday, we went to Brayden's 18 month check-up at the doctor's. We were a little late going (he hit 18 months a few weeks ago) but due to his shot schedule, we had to wait. But everything went well and he is doing great! When he was weighed, he is supposed to just sit on the little scale. Well, when he sat on it, it wiggled and he panicked! I guess he thought he was going to fall off, so he was then terrified for the rest of the appointment. Everything was a battle. But he only weighs 24 pounds, 4 ounces which is less than a pound more than the last appointment! So he's a skinny little thing, but he's just under 34 inches tall! That puts him in the 10th percentile for weight and the 85th for height. I wish I had that Then it was time for the shots and those weren't a big hit either. But overall, everything is going well and we're so happy. Now we don't go back until he's 2!

1 comment:

About Us said...

OMG Gavin was just over 30 lbs at his 19mo appt. - I guess your guy qill be the quarterback and G will defend him LOL