Thursday, October 16, 2008

Endocrinologist Appointment Update

Today we took Brayden to his endo appointment at Children's Hospital. We only go once every 3 months now, so it's not quite as big a deal as it used to be, but still a hassle. He has to have bloodwork taken at Sewickley Hospital about a week before and they send the lab results to Children's. So we went today and everything went great! He has actually been on the same dosage of the medication (Synthroid) for almost a full year. That's good news because even though he continues to grow, the dosage hasn't changed...meaning his body is picking up the slack and his thyroid is actually working enough to make a difference.

He was also weighed and measured. He's up to exactly 32 inches tall and exactly 23 pounds. My tall and skinny string

Besides that, we had a nice dinner at Andy's parents tonight. We forgot the booster seat, so improvised with some phone books and a scarf to tie him in. It was a nice, relaxing evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm glad to hear Brayden is doing so well (despite the temper tamtrums)! LOL

And only 23 lbs? Wow - lucky girl. Gavin is already topping 30! :) Clare