Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Daddy's Boy

If you read my earlier post, you will know that Andy was gone pretty much all weekend. Well, Brayden certainly missed him! When he came in Sunday night, Brayden had just started to doze off on me on the couch. I didn't want him to fall asleep yet, so I took him with me out to walk the dog...which he LOVES to do because we let him hold the leash. A couple minutes after we come in, Andy comes home. Brayden went crazy! He started doing all his crazy dance moves, even though music isn't playing. Then he ran in and grabbed a toy and brought it to show to him. Then off to the kitchen to push his little fridge toy that plays music and more dancing. He was totally showing off and so excited. It was adorable.

Last night, I had got him to bed pretty early...proabably around 8:30pm. I did some cleaning and then took a shower and was about to get in bed when I hear him start whining. I go get him and let him lay down with me in our bed for a little while. Andy comes home about 15 minutes after. As soon as he came in the room, Brayden is up and crawling around...GROWLING and laughing like crazy. Yelling DADA and making sure Andy knows he is in our bed! He is definately Daddy's little man...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is sooo cute christine! I love that little man