Monday, November 17, 2008

No-No Dinosaurs!!

Have you seen this dinosaur toy? They sell it at Target, Toys R Us, pretty much every toy section has it....
How about this one? How cute! A big dinosaur you can ride on! When you pet it, it sorta purrs at you and if you feed it, it chomps on stuff. And you can ride on it too!!
Please don't get any of these for my Apparently, we discovered this weekend that Brayden is DEATHLY afraid of dinosaurs! And he doesn't discriminate. Not only doesn't he like these giant ones, but little plastic ones, soft and fuzzy stuffed ones, cute and friendly looking ones...none of them. Let's add to the list BOOKS with dinosaurs. Because the toys r us big toy book that he had been playing with also scared the crap out of him and was thrown across the room last night when he came across the pictures! Ok...I'm laughing...are you?? Here's the background story...

We went out to do a little early Christmas shopping on Friday afternoon. We were wandering around the toy section at Target. Andy was pushing Brayden in the cart and I was a couple aisles over looking around. All of a sudden I hear this scream. Mom' know your kid's scream. And you know the difference from the happy, laughing one and the OMG one. This was the bad one. I seriously thought he fell out of the cart and cracked his head or something. I'm running over trying to find them. And they are right there with Brayden crying and Andy laughing hysterically. Apparently, they have the first one I posted in a big clear box thing and you can push a button to make it move. Brayden lost it. He was shaking and just screeching like someone was killing him. So we left it and walked around for a little while. Then decided to go back past only NOT push the button this time to see what would happen. soon as we got in the aisle, same reaction.

Then my mom and I are at Wal-mart yesterday and I hand him this little, tiny plastic dinosaur and he's all "noooooo" and spends the rest of the trip thru the store nervously looking back and forth to see if one is gonna show up around the corner.
Well, the bad news is this thing is on the end of an aisle in just about every kid's section right now. I guess there are kids out there that actually LIKE dinosaurs...not ours! Of course, this is driving Andy bonkers. He is talking about buying a bunch of little ones and placing them all over our house. Because that is why you have a kid, torment them?? lol!

1 comment:

Allied Insurance Brokers said...

I'm super behind on my blog reading... this story is HILARIOUS!