We went to Andy's parents on Thursday to trick-or-treat with Brayden. He loved it! He caught on very quickly. And would get upset when he tried to go to the houses with no light on and we wouldn't let him. Apparently, he felt every single house should give him some candy!! But he really had a blast walking around. At one point, someone put a lollipop in his bucket and he dumped the whole thing in the street trying to get it out. He spent some time chewing on a snickers with the wrapper on it too.
Grandma & Grandpa Gagle's house was a little scary for him. He didn't care for things that made noises or smoke coming from the yard...lol.
Friday, we had trick-or-treat in our neighborhood. Andy had to work, but we still had a nice time. My brother came over with his little girl and we took them around to a few houses close by. My mom stayed behind to hand out the candy...all 10 kids that came.
Brayden looks so cute AND big in his Halloween costume :)
Oh & I forgot to sign my name :~) It's Beth! Haha
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