I wanted to provide some suggestions for those that have been asking on what to get for Brayden's birthday. These are simply suggestions and in no way requests!
He is currently wearing a size 2T and will be in that size for awhile. Most of it is still pretty roomy on him, so I expect him to be wearing it thruout the fall also. He could use some more summer clothes. He is currently in shoe size 7 and definitely could use some sandals. He only has 1 pair right now. However, he will NOT wear the flip-flop style where they go between his toes. I'm also on the lookout for some new hats, he really likes to wear them and needs them when out in the sun due to his light skin and thin hair. He also could use some new pj's in summer styles.
Brayden's favorite TV shows/characters are Blue's Clues being his #1. He also likes Little Einsteins, Elmo, Thomas or anything Choo-Choo. He's just getting started to watch Disney movies a little, but still doesn't last for the whole thing. He's also just getting into really liking to build puzzles. The type with big chunky single pieces. Coloring has also become a big hit lately and he doesn't have much of that.
Finally, Brayden is definitely very BOY-boy. His favorite things to play with now are trucks and balls. And spend as much time as possible outside. We do already have a push mower for him, but besides that, there isn't much outside for him to play with. And as you know, we don't have much of a yard, but there is room for a few things. He loves any kind of bigger tonka-style truck or digger that he can push around. He loves kicking or hitting a ball, so any sports type stuff would work also. He loves following Andy around with a screwdriver and doesn't have any sort of tool set or work bench either.
I hope this helps those of you wondering and please don't feel obligated to get any of it or even anything at all! Just come out and enjoy the party and have fun!!
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