That's how many years Brayden just took off my life...I'm sure of it.
He recently has started climbing on everything. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. We have let him to an extent, but it is getting to be too much. The wipe container is used as a step to get him up on the couch. A little people play set is used as a step to get him on the coffee table. An upside down block container is used to help him reach on his high chair. Well, yesterday he discovered he could pull out our dining room chairs and climb on them as well. This is horrible news to me. Because now I can't keep him off of them. Andy was home with him all day yesterday and got so tired of fighting with him about it that he put them all up ON THE TABLE. So that's what I came home to last night.
This morning, while Brayden napped, I spent the time cleaning the living room and kitchen. That included taking the chairs back down to clean the table. So I didn't think much of it. But the one that goes in the back corner I left up there because it was hard to reach. A little bit ago, we went downstairs so I could do some laundry and Brayden could play in his ball pit. We came back up and I realized I forgot to change over the last of the laundry. So I went back down. I was probably down there about a minute and a half...however long it takes to move the clothes from the washer to the dryer and turn it on. I come upstairs and it's really quiet. And I don't see Brayden. Which is impossible because the gates are still in place. I look around...and there he is. UP ON THE CHAIR...WHICH IS ON THE TABLE...STANDING UP!!! And trying to touch the ceiling light!!!! Arghhhhhh....so there you have it. He's giving me gray hairs....lol.
And as I type, he is sitting in the center of the coffee table, eating goldfish crackers. I have no control.
1 comment:
Oh no! Wee man is a climber too, but not as much as your guy! I would have probably grabbed a camera and caught the monkey while on the chair - on the table! But I'm a bad Mom like that... Good luck with him!
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