Thursday, April 9, 2009

A short update

I forgot to mention this earlier, and I know some people would be interested!

Brayden is no longer having any skin issues and isn't on medication anymore! We were on 2 different medications for the hives/dermographism for about 3 months. But when the prescriptions ran out the last time, around early March, I decided to take a break from them to see if he was still breaking out. And it has worked! Apparently, the reaction was just from a virus that was in his system and took awhile to work it's way out. He has been off the medication for over a month now, and no more bad reactions. His skin has been completely back to normal!

Also, and I really hope I'm not jinxing myself with this one, but I was calling to make an appointment for his 2 year check-up at the end of May. And I realized that the last time we had been to the doctor - besides the dermatologist for skin problems - was his 18 month check-up. That's right...we have made it pretty much entirely thru winter without a single doctor visit! He really hasn't been sick at all! No sinus infections, flu, ear infections, stomach viruses, nothing!! Yay!!

And...I booked his birthday party! It's gonna be Sunday, May 31st at around 3 in the afternoon. Invitations will be coming out as soon as I get my butt in gear working on them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Brayden - stay healthy!!